DJ Porter

Data Scientist 

Rainier, WA

(360) 742-0068

I have an insatiable need to answer the why. I use my love of data to inform my decisions and enjoy helping others, individuals and business alike in understanding the things that should matter most to their outcomes. Trained as an Industrial Drafter, with a Bachelors in Business Marketing and skills in data science. My interests experience includes transportation, government/military programs, and residential real estate marketing, and lately blockchain applications.


Capstone, Seattle, WA — General Assembly

Predict Coin Prices using Market Sentiment

Aggregate user generated article sentiment to determine prices of desired coin. Used web scraping techniques with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a Long-Short Term Model (LSTM) to track and predict market movements from events and articles associated with the industry.

5-ways, Seattle, WA — General Assembly

Article Readability

Aggregate articles associated with Cryptocurrency and Blockchain and serve them in a news reader sorted by readability index using  Coleman Liau Index, LIX Index and others.


General Assembly, Seattle, WA — Fellow


General Assembly’s  Data Science  Immersive (DSI) is a 12-week long training program dedicated to give students a deep dive into the world of Data Science, focusing on the ability to analyze, make sense of, convey data-driven facts from massive data sets, and predict what happens next through predictive modeling and pattern recognition.

Red Shoe Listings, Federal Way, WA — Marketing Operations

FEB 2012 - MAY 2018

Preformed marketing analysis and gave meaning to activities associated with retail real estate sales, bring our team in the top ranks of real estate agents within the Puget Sound area.

US ARMY, * — Plans and Operations NCOIC (manager)

4th 1st Brigade Combat Team, Fort Carson, Colorado*

FEB 2009 - FEB 2011

Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Corps, Fort Lewis, Washington *

JAN 2006 - JAN 2009

Assistant Operations Sergeant in a 300 personnel unit (Brigade Special Troops Battalion), comprised of six companies with an assigned strength of 1500 personnel; assisted and supervised the units schools, training, and travel managers; prepared higher management for orders, drills, briefs, and rehearsals; received and appropriately handled and distributes changes to issued orders, Red Cross messages and Serious Incident Reports; accountable for the maintenance and readiness of equipment in excess of $11 Million; mentored personnel in regards to health and welfare, training, training and operational readiness of two supervisors and five subordinates; performed duties as the Operations Sergeant in his absence.

MPC PRODUCTS, Skokie, IL Mechanical Designer

FEB 2003 - DEC 2006

Used engineering inputs to design flight critical products in Aerospace applications; prepare product design and manufacturing drawings; performed tolerance stack-ups, to insure proper fit and function; preformed root cause analysis and corrective actions of manufacturing, assembly, installation, and operation processes.


General Assembly, Seattle, WA — Certificate


The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA — BA

2011 - 2015

Coursework in Business Marketing, Leadership, Business Intelligence, Statistics Agriculture and Aquaponics.

Ivy Tech State College, Muncie, IN — Certificate


Drafting Certificate - AutoCAD Inventor

Vincennes University, Vincennes, IN — AAS

2000 - 2003

AAS Industrial Drafting and CAD. Prepare engineering drawing and documents.


  • Applied Statistics / Data Science
  • Python and Python libraries


  • Machine learning



